Releva has completed an $870,000 financial round led by New Vision Fund 3 with participation by HR Capital AD, Verto Invest and the investment arm of private investors.
Releva завърши финансов рунд от $870 000, воден от Фонд Ню Вижън 3 с участието на Ейч Ар Капитал АД, Верто Инвест и подкрепата на частни инвеститори.
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Create Email

This API allows you to create a custom email in Releva. You can then use this email, a custom campaign, and a segment run, to send emails via API.

Request Parameters

You may perform requests to the API using the following curl equivalent:

curl -H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'authorization: Bearer <secretKey>' -XPOST '' -d'{"name": "custom email test"}'

Request URL Parameters

nameStringThe name of the email.

Response Format

A successful response will return HTTP Status 200 and a JSON body with the following structure. You will need the emailId in order to send emails via API and obtain statistics for this email using the Email Stats API.

  "emailId": <number>,

An error response will return a HTTP 4xx or 5xx status code and have the following structure:

  "message": "A description of the error and how to fix it, if it's a client error."
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