GombaShop / Shopiko Integration

Updated on October 2, 2024
  1. 1. You will need to request developer settings and API access, you can do this by contacting the GombaShop support, this is their email – support@gombashop.com.
  2. 2. Go to your Gombashop Admin Panel https://{your-domain-here}/cms/.
  3. 3. Click on the Разработчик tab.
  1. 4. Click on the At the end of <body> and you will see place for writing code.
  1. 5. Copy this code and paste it into the editor:
  onload="document.dispatchEvent(new Event('relevaSdkLoaded'));"

  document.addEventListener('relevaSdkLoaded', function () {
    // TODO: fill in the access token from Releva Admin Panel -> Shop -> Access Token
    var accessToken = '';
    // TODO: fill in the page tokens from Releva Admin Panel
    var pageTokens = {
      home: '',
      category: '',
      product: '',
      cart: '',
      search: '',

    var relevaPushObject = {
      page: {},
      cart: { products: [] },
      profile: {},

    var path = window.location.pathname;

    // Thank you page for ordering
    if (/purchase-done.html/.test(path)) {
      // Get the releva push object where the order details are stored
      // from local storage because we can't get these details on this page
      relevaPushObject = getRelevaPushObject();

      // There is no releva push object in the local storage
      if (!relevaPushObject) {

      relevaPushObject.cart.cartPaid = true;
      // Add the order id from this page
      relevaPushObject.cart.orderId = $('.number-holder').text();


    var promisesToWait = [getCartProducts(), getUserProfile()];

    Promise.all(promisesToWait).then((data) => {
      relevaPushObject.cart.products = data[0];
      relevaPushObject.profile = data[1];

      var isUserLoggedIn = Object.keys(relevaPushObject.profile).length;

      // User is not logged in so try to get anonymous profile
      if (!isUserLoggedIn) {
        anonymousProfile = localStorage.getItem('anonymousProfile');

        if (anonymousProfile) {
          relevaPushObject.profile = JSON.parse(anonymousProfile);

      // Home page
      if (path === '/') {
        relevaPushObject.page.token = pageTokens.home;

      // Category page
      if (isCategoryPage(path)) {
        relevaPushObject.page.token = pageTokens.category;
        relevaPushObject.page.ids = getListedProducts();
        relevaPushObject.page.categories = getPageCategories();

      // Product page
      if (isProductPage(path)) {
        relevaPushObject.page.token = pageTokens.product;
        relevaPushObject.product = { id: getProductId() };
        relevaPushObject.product.custom = getProductCustomOptions();

        // Changed the selected variant of the product which means
        // that we are viewing the product with custom options
        window.addEventListener('hashchange', () => {
          relevaPushObject.product.custom = getProductCustomOptions();

      // Cart page
      if (path === '/shopping-cart.html') {
        relevaPushObject.page.token = pageTokens.cart;

      // Search page
      if (path === '/search.php') {
        relevaPushObject.page.token = pageTokens.search;
        relevaPushObject.page.query = getSearchQuery();
        relevaPushObject.page.ids = getListedProducts();

      // Confirm order page
      if (path === '/confirm.html') {
        // Check if user is making order without registered profile
        if (!isUserLoggedIn) {
          var clientInformation = getAnonymousClientInformation();

          relevaPushObject.profile = clientInformation;

          // Save anonymous profile of the user
          localStorage.setItem('anonymousProfile', JSON.stringify(clientInformation));

        var confirmForm = $('#mainFrm');
        confirmForm.on('submit', () => confirmOrder(relevaPushObject));


    function getCartProducts() {
      return ajax({ url: '/axCartList.php', type: 'GET' })
        .then((response) => {
          var $response = $(response);

          var products = [];
          var $products = $response.find('.gs-cart-row:not(.head-row)');
          if (!$products.length) {
            $products = $response.find('.mgs-cart-row:not(.head-row)');

          $products.each(function () {
            var $product = $(this);

            var $quantityInput = $product.find('.item-sum');
            var quantityInputName = $quantityInput.attr('name');
            var quantity = parseInt($quantityInput.val());

            var id = quantityInputName.substring(
              quantityInputName.lastIndexOf('[') + 1,

            // Remove the variation ids from the actual product id
            if (id.indexOf('-') !== -1) {
              id = id.substring(0, id.indexOf('-'));

            var $price = $product.find('.gs-order-price span');
            if (!$price.length) {
              $price = $product.find('.mgs-order-price span');

            var price = parseFloat($price.text().split(' ')[0].replace(',', '.'));

            var custom = undefined;

            var $selectedOptions = $product.find('.gs-order-info .gs-info-row');
            if (!$selectedOptions.length) {
              $selectedOptions = $product.find('.mgs-order-info .mgs-info-row');

            if ($selectedOptions.length) {
              custom = { string: [] };

              $selectedOptions.each(function () {
                var $row = $(this);
                custom.string.push({ key: $row.find('span').text(), values: [$row.find('strong').text()] });


          return products;
        .catch((error) => {
          return [];

    function getUserProfile() {
      var userProfile = {};

      return ajax({ url: '/welcome.html', type: 'GET' })
        .then((response) => {
          var $response = $(response);

          var $firstNameInput = $response.find('input[name="client[name]"]');
          if ($firstNameInput.length) {
            userProfile.firstName = $firstNameInput.val();

          var $lastNameInput = $response.find('input[name="client[nameLast]"]');
          if ($lastNameInput.length) {
            userProfile.lastName = $lastNameInput.val();

          var $emailInput = $response.find('input[name="client[email]"]');
          if ($emailInput.length) {
            userProfile.email = $emailInput.val();

          return userProfile;
        .catch((error) => {
          return userProfile;

    function getPageCategories() {
      var categories = [];
      var pageData = JSON.parse($('script[type="application/ld+json"]').html());
      var categoriesData = pageData.itemListElement;

      // Remove the first element because it is the Home page

      categories = categoriesData.map((categoryData) => categoryData.item.name.trim());

      return [categories.join('/')];

    function getProductId() {
      let productId = $('#orderFrm input[name="Id"]').val();
      // Fallback for products that are not available and the above selector won't work
      if (!productId) {
        productId = $('#stamped-main-widget').data('product-id');
        if (typeof productId === 'number') {
          productId = productId.toString();
      // Another fallback if the above fallback does not work
      if (!productId) {
        $('script[type="application/ld+json"]').each((index, script) => {
          if (!script || !script.text) {
          const sku = JSON.parse(script.text.replaceAll('\n', '')).sku;
          if (sku) {
            productId = sku;
      return productId;

    function getListedProducts() {
      var $products = $('#__gs-catalog-products-grid .gs-grid-inline-container > .gs-grid-item');

      if (!$products.length) {
        $products = $('#__mgs-catalog-products-grid .mgs-grid-inline-container > .mgs-grid-item');

      if (!$products.length) {
        return [];

      var productIds = [];

      $products.each((index, product) => {
        var productId = $(product).data('pid').toString();

      return productIds;

    function getSearchQuery() {
      var searchQuery = window.location.search;
      // Remove '?search=' from start of the string
      searchQuery = searchQuery.substring(8);
      // Decode encoded uri
      // Example -> '%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82' to 'тест'
      searchQuery = decodeURI(searchQuery);
      // Convert all '+' symbols to spaces
      searchQuery = searchQuery.replaceAll('+', ' ');

      return searchQuery;

    function getAnonymousClientInformation() {
      var client = {};

      var $checkoutInfo = $('.checkout-info').first();

      client.email = $checkoutInfo.find('p:nth-child(3)').text();

      var names = $checkoutInfo.find('p:nth-child(2)').text().split(' ');
      client.firstName = names[0];
      client.lastName = names[1];

      return client;

    function confirmOrder(relevaPushObject) {

      var isSubscribed = $('#newsletter').is(':checked');

      var profile = relevaPushObject.profile;

      if (isSubscribed && profile.email.length) {
        Releva.requestSubscribe(profile.email, profile.firstName, profile.lastName, null, null, [], console.log);

    function saveRelevaPushObject(relevaPushObject) {
      localStorage.setItem('relevaPushObject', JSON.stringify(relevaPushObject));

    function getRelevaPushObject() {
      var relevaPushObject = localStorage.getItem('relevaPushObject');

      if (!relevaPushObject) {
        return null;

      return JSON.parse(relevaPushObject);

    function removeRelevaPushObject() {

    function relevaPush(relevaPushObject) {
        function (result) {},
        function (error) {}

    function isCategoryPage(path) {
      // Check by url of the page
      if (/catalog-details/.test(path)) {
        return true;

      // This event is used only on category page
      const gtagEvent = 'view_item_list';

      // Check by gtag (this is used when client have changed the url of the category page)
      if (document.documentElement.textContent.includes(`gtag('event', '${gtagEvent}', {`)) {
        return true;

      return false;

    function isProductPage(path) {
      // Check by url of the page
      if (/product-details/.test(path)) {
        return true;

      // This event is used only on product page
      const gtagEvent = 'view_item';

      // Check by gtag (this is used when client have changed the url of the product page)
      if (document.documentElement.textContent.includes(`gtag('event', '${gtagEvent}', {`)) {
        return true;

      return false;

    function ajax(options) {
      return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {

    function getProductCustomOptions() {
      var urlHash = window.location.hash;
      // Check if we have selected variant, we do that because
      // this means that every select element has selected value
      if (!urlHash.startsWith('#variant=')) {

      const customOptions = { string: [] };

      var $optionsSelects = $('#orderFrm .gs-select-wrap select');
      if (!$optionsSelects.length) {
        $optionsSelects = $('#orderFrm .mgs-select-wrap select');

      $optionsSelects.each(function () {
        var $option = $(this);
        var $selectedOption = $option.find('option:selected');

        if (!$selectedOption.length) {

        var optionKey = $option.data('field-label');
        var optionValue = $selectedOption.text();

          key: optionKey,
          values: [optionValue],

      return customOptions;
  1. 6. Add your accessToken and pageTokens to the code that you pasted, you can take them from your account manager.
  2. 7. Click Запис button in the top right.
  3. 8. Hover the button Абонамент and click on the Потребители
  1. 9. Click on the Добавяне на потребител
  1. 10. Create a new user with the email and password that has been given to you, check the Собственик (ескперт) role and click Save.
  2. 11. You have completed the setup successfully, enjoy!