Email Recommendations styling

Updated on October 2, 2024

Product Recommendations are an important part of what makes Releva’s emails feel truly personal. At Releva, we understand that having consistend branding is key to building and maintaining trust, and we have developed functionalities to help you main a consistent look and feel across the multichannel.

Below is an example of how you can customize the look and feel of recommenders in your emails.

  • Go to Releva -> Recources -> Templates
  • Select Default Recommender Template(Email)
  • Make a copy.
  • Look for comments rlv-recommender-container /  rlv-recomender-image  to style you Recommender
  • Use inline CSS into the elements under the comments <table> and <td>
<table style="/*Recommender container styling*/">

<td class="mainTd" style="width: 50%; /*Recommender image styling */">
  • Changing the inner style attribute for <table> and <td> changes the recommender visually
<table style="background-color: aqua;">

<td class="mainTd" style="width: 50%;  border: 2px solid red; border-radius: 5px;">
  • Before:
  • After:
  • Save and close.

Don’t forget to set this new template in your existing emails.