Releva has completed an $870,000 financial round led by New Vision Fund 3 with participation by HR Capital AD, Verto Invest and the investment arm of private investors.
Releva завърши финансов рунд от $870 000, воден от Фонд Ню Вижън 3 с участието на Ейч Ар Капитал АД, Верто Инвест и подкрепата на частни инвеститори.
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Cart Page Use Cases

Cart page

In what follow we will describe the recommender use case on the Cart page.


Forget something?

This is our special within-basket recommendation system which generates real-time personalized product recommendations to supplement the user’s current product basket.
An important characteristic of online e-commerce shopping is that it is highly personal. Customers show both regularity in purchase types and purchase frequency, as well as exhibit specific preferences for product characteristics, such as brand affinity for wine or price sensitivity for milk.

Our recommender captures personalisation affinities of the user combined with co-occurrence to support alternative products based on similar users behaviours.

We also used a price boost to score higher products that are above 100 USD.

I added to the basket the Moon Cycle shirt and got back two complementary products the Dawson Trolley and Duckworth Jacket based on other user baskets and the Red Ranger Boots that I bought before.

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