Releva has completed an $870,000 financial round led by New Vision Fund 3 with participation by HR Capital AD, Verto Invest and the investment arm of private investors.
Releva завърши финансов рунд от $870 000, воден от Фонд Ню Вижън 3 с участието на Ейч Ар Капитал АД, Верто Инвест и подкрепата на частни инвеститори.
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Releva provides an API you can call to unsubscribe users.

Do I need to call it?

You need to tell Releva when a user has unsubscribed so that they are excluded from marketing communication send through Releva.

Request Format

The API accepts the following curl equivalent:

# using email
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer <secretKey>' -XPOST -d'{ "email": "" }'
# using phone number
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer <secretKey>' -XPOST -d'{ "phoneNumber": "+1585123" }'

Response Format

A successful request will return a JSON response with HTTP status 202 and an empty body ({}). If an error is encountered, an appropriate HTTP status code will be returned along with a body describing the error ({“message”: “…”})

If the email address in the request is not tracked in Releva, the request will have no effect.

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